Natural, Cesarean, epidural or not, in a hospital, at home, in your car or in the forest, bringing a child into this world is tough. Emotionally, physically and spiritually, it takes everything out of you.
Both my birthing experiences has been the best and worst days of my life! It was the worst pain I could ever imagine with the biggest reward. And what I found the strangest of all, going through all of that extreme pain, once the baby is out, the pain is gone. I still cannot fathom this fact. How is it possible to hurt that much and then feel totally normal just seconds after?
Then, the good part, getting to hold and kiss and feed your little slimy, bloody, bundle of joy. There is nothing better in this world. My husband and I are not emotional people, so we did not cry. We laughed and discussed how funny they looked, but both of us fell instantly in love!
Theo (child 1) and Ri (child 2) were both born in a hospital, on my back on a hospital bed without an epidural. This is something I chose as I was scared to death that something would go wrong during labour and delivery with no doctor around to help, but I also wanted to do it as naturally as possible. Theo's active labour lasted for about 3-4 hours, Ri's only about an hour. He took forever to come out and hurt a lot more, she came fast and furious. Once again, and I cannot say this enough, it hurt like nobody's business. I can honestly say, after all the pain and lacerations, I would do it a hundred times over.