Do not correct me, do not judge me, do not tell me I'm wrong. I believe children should learn about hurting, sadness fighting for what they believe in and standing up for themselves, on their own. As parents we should be there to help guide them through it when they are young, but we should seriously stop fighting all their battles for them.
For example. Babies should cry. Let them fight to get that wind out, let them cry. Be there for them, soothe as much as possible, but teach them to fight for themselves. Their little bodies are still learning how to get rid of wind and poop and do all the normal bodily things, and what do we do? We give them medicine. Something to make winds come out easier, something to soften the poo, milk from a can because they are colicky. We are already teaching them that medicine will make everything better and will take the hurt away. And one day, when they are all gown up, and struggling with anxiety or depression, something that causes pain on the inside, where will they turn to?
Teach your older children to stand up for themselves and for what is right. Be there to support them and help where it is needed, but do not mow down any possible problems before they even faced them. Do not fight their fights. How will they ever learn?
Mamas, we need to back off. Be there, support, but give them a chance to try and figure it out for themselves first. Step in only if they have failed. They might surprise you!